Hello dear Oleg
Thank you for your call and QSO and your e-mail.
ItIt was a very tough and difficult QSO because I had some QSB and weak
I sent to your RST 339 but correct your call last time...
I was surprised that I know you with QRP!
I have you logged in on Lotw also.
Hope to see you again soon on 160m.
My working conditions IC-756pro2 with JRL-3000F about 1KW.
Ant is Inverted L type 4SQ and 6 beverages are about 250m length in the
ridge(mountain) of above the sea 520m.
The equipment is employed by remote control from home QTH.
Please listen to our QSO parts of last transmittion.
FB DX 73 de JH2FXK "Shige"