Special Radio Amateur Event from the Sacred Rock of Acropolis of Athens. Organizer: Radio Amateur Association of Greece (R.A.A.G)
1. National Technical University of Athens /School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering /Mobile Radiocommunications Laboratory
2. Dx Plus Hellenic Radio Amateur M.I. Team
Officers: General Manager / Public Relations Dept / QSL Manager: SV1HER vanikiotis@freemail.gr In Contact with Greek Authorities / Promotion Dept: SV1GRM dxpluspro@gmail.com Operating Booking Dept:SV1RP sv1rp@yahoo.com SV2FWV sv2fwv@gmail.com Digital Mode Dept: SV1GYG sv1gyg@raag.org Special QSL award & Special QSL plaque Gravure will be available on request for any QSO. For additional information please contact to SV1HER vanikiotis@freemail.gr